
I’ve been helping to test a new and wonderful knitting and crochet community for the last couple of months. It’s almost ready for its full public unveiling and Frecklegirl and Casey are taking names and issuing invites to slowly open it up. I’ve been having a blast with it, adding all of my projects and linking them to yarns and patterns, checking out who else knit the same things, and exploring other knitters’ projects. It’s a great way to organize your projects, stash, and even needles, too. Want to join? Go check out out!

ETA: Let me stress that Ravelry is free and will remain free after the testing period is over!

I totally ripped off Kelly Sue and took a screencap of my page over there so you can see how organize-y it is.


Fiber Club:

I’ll start sending off the packages to non-US members in the next couple of days, so that hopefully everyone will get their packages at around the same time. I know that’s a pipe dream, but I’ll try my best. Check in at the Fiber Club Blog and Flickr Group (and join them!) after you get your fiber. Be sure not to look there until you get your fiber, unless you want to spoil the surprise. I’ll post my spun yarn and a pic of the fiber at the blog after I’ve shipped, but I’ll do it in a popup window so you don’t have to see if you don’t want to. I think you’re going to be pleased!

19 Responses to “Ravelry”

  1. janine

    What a wonderful idea! Does it have room for a spinning stash as well? I have signed up :-)

  2. sarah

    Ooh, Ravelry looks very cool! I’ve already signed up, thanks for the great link!

  3. nishanna

    i am so excited about the fiber club! I got my STR club in the mail and i was actually a little dissapointed it wasn’t the fiber. Don’t get me wrong, yarn is awesome, but it’s already yarn!

  4. maryse

    ooh the fiber club … i’d forgotten that it starts so soon.

    *greedy hand rubbing*

    yes, ravelry is very clever and awesome. i haven’t posted much though. i’ve been delinquent in my testing.

  5. Iko

    Wow, ravelry looks really cool! I’ve placed my name on the list so hopefully I’ll get a look at it soon. I love online communities.

  6. Mandy

    Wow, that sounds neato. I can’t wait to try it out, I’m always trying to find better ways of organizing stuff. Maybe this will help me remember to never buy a size 6 29″ circular needle again. Probably not.

  7. Andrea

    That is such an incredible idea!!! Do you know if membership will continue to be restricted once it opens? Will it be a pay site?

  8. Rayne

    Ravelry looks awesome! Already signed up for the beta. Can’t wait to check it out!

  9. vera

    I had seen others writing about Ravelry but didn’t really have a look at it until now. What a wonderful idea, it looks great!
    So disappointed about the fibre club. That’s one of the worst things about being away on vacation, missing out on cool things like this! Can’t wait for the next one! Can’t.freakin.wait. !!! :0)

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