Thank You and Lisa with the Summer Wine

We’re a little dazed after yesterday, please forgive us!

I just want to thank all you lovely customers for emptying my house of all that yarn and fiber! After I get all your orders packaged and shipped, I might roll around on the floors of the empty rooms for a couple of days before making any more yarn. :)

This is a note for Julie with the single Summer Wine skein-

My emails to you keep bouncing back, but this is what you are looking for. Hopefully if you put my email (yarn at on your safe list, we can correspond properly.

4 Responses to “Thank You and Lisa with the Summer Wine”

  1. Lisa (summer wine)

    Thank you – that (undyed stuff) is exactly what I wanted. I don’t know why your mails would bounce since I have received mails from that address before (when I make purchases) but in any case I’ve put an alternate address on this comment. Thanks again

  2. isel

    No, no, no. Thank you for the beauty that is Herbal…a beauty I will now have the privilege to call MINE.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you. :D

    And to all your other customers: Whoa, slow down people!

  3. Peggy

    Once again I was way too slow… The Haystack sock yarn was lovely, I hope you’ll do more of the semi solids.

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