Finished Object: Handspun Leg Warmers

It’s the time of year to knit tons of little warm things. I don’t mean to. I want to finish the Treeline Striped Cardigan (getting there), I want to rip out that shoulder and try a new one on the Tomten, I want to start Mr. HelloYarn’s cardigan. I need to pose for photos in my Cobblestone, for the love of kittens. Instead, I spin single skeins of yarn, dig around for yarn for mittens and lay all the colors out to admire them on the coffee table, and knit things that take 2 evenings, tops. The past few days, it’s been legwarmers.

No pattern, they were knit like these, to measure. This pair is 15″ long and took 4.6 oz. of handspun bulky weight 2 ply yarn. I didn’t measure the yardage (too excited to start knitting), but I’m thinking less than 250. They were spun from a mix of Mandarin Corriedale wool and Sugar Lips BFL wool. You have to love those little leftover bits from the dyelots for the shop.

Awesome Stuff:

Shambles had a birthday! He’s 16 years old now and still a maniac. (Sometimes. When he’s awake.)

18 Responses to “Finished Object: Handspun Leg Warmers”

  1. Erica

    Wow, I love those colors. Not at all surprising since I love all of your colors though. I want to knit up some baby legwarmers… maybe I’ll get on that…

    Happy Birthday to Shambles!

  2. Felicia

    Lady, this is when I think your a genius. I could not have imagined the two colorways together. They look toasty warm!

    Happy B-day to Shambles and Happy Thanksgiving to you!

  3. Adam

    I really don’t blame you Adrian, it seems like all I want to knit are small warm things too! I should be working on a Christmas sweater, and instead I just cast on for a hat.

    And Happy Birthday Shambles! You don’t look a day over 10 ;)

  4. stacey

    those look so toasty and cozy – perfect for this rapid decrease in temperature we’ve been having! Happy Birthday Mr. Shambles! He looks amazing for 16!!!

  5. regina

    Happy birthday, sweet Shambles! I love the legwarmers. Just looking at those beautiful colors warms me up.

  6. Arleta

    I have some handspun that I want to knit something with! lol

    Happy Birthday, Shambles! You’re such a cutie-patootie!

  7. Marlena

    Happy Birthday, Shambles! By the way, he has the best dog name ever. Seriously cute, without being cutesy.

    And, yeah woman! Show us your Cobblestone!

  8. larissa

    Wow, 16! Happy Birthday to Shambles. We just figured out that my calculations were wrong and Ellie is 7 years old (has been with us for 6). So she is a baby.

    And speaking of babies, what a cutie in that awesome outfit. It’s too much knitting to actually wear at once, unless you’re a baby. And it’s all gorgeous.

  9. E to the M

    I know he probably doesn’t remmeber me but tell Shambles I said happy birthday.
    The legwarmers are awesome.

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