March Fiber Club

Hi, everyone!

The March fiber club is shipping today and tomorrow. I fear I’ll never get back on track, month-wise. Hopefully, you all love spinning this so much, you don’t notice the lateness.

Want a little hint? (Not actual photo of the fiber.)

Want a big hint? (Actual photo of fiber.)

Even if you peek, you won’t know what the fiber is. That I will keep secret. :)

Have you looked at the Flickr group lately? There’s so much lovely spinning going on.

What in the world have I been up to?

I know, bad blogger, huh?

I’ve been designing stuff- stuff that will be published and that hopefully, people will love to knit. I’m having a great time, choosing yarns, scribbling with pencil, and knitting like a maniac, but wow, it’s cramping my style not to be able to blog about it! Hopefully, by the time I get back from Yarn School, I’ll have boatloads of knitting and spinning to blog about. I think I’ll take that Taiyo sweater yarn with me as plane knitting.

Yarn School:

Yarn School
is soon! There are still a few spots left, if you’d like to come. I already can’t wait to get out to Kansas and play with all the lovely spinners.

I’ll be getting ready for that for the next few weeks and will be gone from the 21st of April through the 29th. I’ll leave the shop open for orders, but won’t be shipping anything while I’m away, and for a couple of days before and after. Mr. HelloYarn will have his hands full keeping the dog happy and alive and entertaining his visiting parents and sister, so he won’t be working on during that time, either. If there’s a yarn emergency (heh) while I’m away, I will have internet access.

Keep your eyes peeled for your packages, club members! Happy spinning.

14 Responses to “March Fiber Club”

  1. nichole

    oooh, love the new fiber! Good thing I don’t really spin or I’d have no choice but to be in the club…

  2. porpoise

    I have no willpower. Every time you post a hint, I say to myself “do not click. Do not click. Won’t it be more fun as a surprise?”

    I click every time. Without hesitation. And then I’m stuck waiting anxiously for the fiber to arrive!

    It’s gorgeous and I hope it gets here soon. Because, you know, I don’t have enough fiber already…

  3. Erin

    Oh my goodness! I love the colors of the new fiber! I can’t wait for it to get here!

  4. Valerie

    Sigh. I miss getting the club shipments. And I’m full of self-pity that I can’t come to Yarn School again. Poor, poor me.

    I’ve been seeing your delightful designs popping in up many places lately. They are muy fantastico! Blogging silence is a small price to pay for artistic genius.

  5. Cheryl

    That color combo is stunning! Have fun with your designs and yarn school :)

  6. nuttnbunny


  7. Loopykd

    Oh my goodness how many things can you have going at one time? Those progress bars are insane! I totally FORGOT about yarn school! I wanted to go so bad last year and I told my husband then that I was going but now it’s too late for me. I have out of town company coming and it’s just not feasible. Maybe next year.

  8. Janis

    Hm, I don’t know what is up, but the fiber pictures just link to “#”, which brings one to this page.

  9. maryse

    love it! and the glove picture did not give it away.

    i think you need a glove semi-hint every month.

  10. farmgirl

    i can’t wait to see what designs are up your sleeve…and i hope to be able to make it to yarn school maybe next year? yippee!

  11. Lee

    ooh-fiber pretty! The colors remind me of chocolate-covered cherries.

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