
Eeee! Are you getting excited for Rhinebeck? I certainly am. David and I will be there the whole weekend, with the usual cast of characters. See you there? You’ll probably see me pretending to resist as Amy drags me into the fleece barn. You might recognize me by the old sweaters I’ll be wearing, since I didn’t manage a new Rhinebeck Sweater this year. 2 out of 3 ain’t bad, right?

Actual Knitting:

Chevalier Mitten

Pattern: Chevalier Mittens (Ravelry link) by Mari Miunonen of MadeByMyself. It’s free!
Yarn: Rowan Cork in Vapor

The Cork is producing a very firm fabric, which is perfect for mittens. They’re scrumptious! They’d be done if I hadn’t made two right mittens. You’d think I’d know better.

Hello Yarn Business:

As for shop updates and Fiddlehead kits- ugh. It turned out there was a lot of electrical work, in addition to plumbing, that needed to get done so that my dye studio was functional. It’s being finished up today, finally. We moved from an area with tradespeople galore to an area with very few. It’s been an exercise in patience getting all this work done. Thanks for your patience, as well!

If you blinked, you missed the fiber club subscription sale. I didn’t even get a chance to blog about it. The slots were gone as soon as I put them up. I will be adding a self-sign-up waiting list for the club slots to the website at some point soon. I think a waiting list will be a lot less stressful for everyone than the mad dashes that happen every time. I’m not taking names right now. I’ll put the sign-up form up and post about it here when it happens.

See you at the Ravelry party at Rhinebeck!


Fiber Club Subscriptions- Past Members Only

Hi, all! Whew, we’re here in the new house and things are slowly shaping up. :)

I’ve put the fiber club subscriptions for past members– any of you, from members of the last club way back to the beginning, lapsed or not- and they’ll stay available to you until I’m back from Yarn School and have had a chance to do some math and figure out how many slots to make available to new members. Those slots will be made available on October 2.

Please, potential new members, do not join now. So that everyone gets a fair shake, I’ll have to refund your payment and cancel your subscription. I think there will be a fair few slots available, as I’ve upped my production since last time. Mr. HelloYarn is now a full time employee!

My Schedule:

You know, in case you’re keeping track.

I’m off to Yarn School on Monday the 22nd of September and will be returning the following Tuesday, the 30th. I’ll be leaving the shop open during that time, but won’t ship out orders until I return. I’ll be available by email (click the little envelope in the upper left side of the page), but won’t answer quite as zippily as usual.

After that I’ll be dyeing dyeing dyeing the fiber club, then off to Rhinebeck. I think this year is going to be even more crazypants than last year. Everyone and their mother (even mine!) is on Ravelry. That party is going to be bananas. I look forward to seeing you all there.

After Rhinebeck, my life should resume some kind of normalcy, and I’ll be able to do some actual shop updates. An enormous box of Fat Sock arrived the other day. I know there are people waiting patiently for Fiddlehead kits and those will happen, too, promise!

See you soon!


Shop Closings: The Move and Yarn School

Everyone's Favorite Photo To Take

Hi all! I’ve got some stuff going on that’s going to affect the shop.

First off, we’re moving house next Friday, the 5th of September. The cut off for orders shipped before the move is tomorrow, Friday the 29th at 4 pm EST. We’ll ship orders received before then this coming Tuesday (Monday’s a holiday). After that, the shop will close and all the inventory is going to be packed up and inaccessible until the 12th of September. If I get everything unpacked and sorted out sooner, I’ll open at that time.

Secondly, I’m leaving for Yarn School on the 22nd of September and returning the 30th. I’ll post the cutoff date for orders at a later time. I’ll leave the shop open for orders during this absence, but I won’t resume shipping until my return.

I plan on putting the fiber club up for sale after the move and before Yarn School. Past members will be notified by email when member slots go up for sale. If there are any slots left for new members, I’ll post on the blog with signup info.

Speaking of Yarn School:

There are some slots left for the Fall term. It’s going to be great fun. Come join us for a weekend of fiber happiness! I’ve been busy dyeing up the for the students. It’s been so long since I had a chance to dye anything. I’m in fiber heaven this week. :)

See you all after the move!