It Feels Like the End of an Era

The fiber club is shipping this morning and it’s going to be the last one for awhile. It’s been great fun, and I will be continuing it, but after a solid year I need a wee break. I’d have powered through if it wasn’t for our planned move, but this has been a great excuse to allow myself to rest up a bit. Expect to see the club back for sale in July for an August-October run unless something crazy happens. I’ll keep everyone posted. Everyone who was a member this time has a slot reserved for next time and I’ll give plenty of notice so you can grab your slot.

I hope you all love the fiber I’ve dyed up this time. It’s silky, puffy stuff in colors outside my comfort zone, and what do you know? I love it. There’s a big bag of scraps I can’t wait to spin up.

Want to see? Want to see? No glove hint this month as I didn’t get new gloves after last time.

Yarn School:

It was something else, as usual. I met a ton of awesome people, saw old friends, did a ton of fun stuff with all of them, and had a great time. There’s a Flickr Group with tons of photos and a Ravelry group, as well.

The goodie bag was fantastic this year. Nikol put out a call for fiber promos and people sent fantastic stuff. Students brought their wares for the bags, as well. I even got a teacher gift! So as not to leave you photo-less:

Clockwise from upper left:
-Brooch kit from Now and Zen Yarns
-Hand-pulled roving from The Fox Hop
-Orange batt from Elyce Nicole
-Hand-dyed blue Corriedale from Sweet Pea Fibers
-Crazy pink batt from Batt out of Hell
-"Sit ‘n Spin" thong (!!!), little sheep magnets and clip from Felicia (teacher gift)
– Cuticle cream and sugar scrub from Wylde Welles Soapworks

And the bags- yellow commemorates Yarn School and sheep is a gift from Felicia of Sweet Pea Fibers (teacher gift).

The students got more, including hand-dyed fiber by me and Sarah of Maisy Day Handspun.

The underwear are killing me. (Okay, that sounds bad. I’m not wearing them. They kill me with their funniness.) Since I was one of the goodie bag-packers, I got to coordinate my fibers so that I could make one big Yarn School yarn. I can’t wait!

I got a bunch of knitting done on the plane and have a new handspun project idea that’s freaking me out with happiness, so expect to see more of me around here, including Actual Shop Updates.


I Can’t Believe it, Myself.

I learned to crochet. It wasn’t pretty for a moment there, when I sat down with the pattern and thought “Ooh, I just wasted $5.50, because I do not understand this AT ALL.” I got back up and printed line by line instructions for each of the stitches needed and went for it.

Why didn’t anyone tell me how fast crochet is? I can’t believe it! Two evenings of lazy crocheting and general farting around, chatting and watching movies and there’s a scarf. I want to make a bunch of these now and have some fiber set aside to spin up a yarn with long color shifts for the next.

Here’s the yarn and the fiber from this one. The scarf is Anne, by M.K. Carroll. Ravel it.

Yarn School:

Yarn School
is REALLY SOON! There are still a few spots left, if you’d like to come. Sign-ups end tomorrow. To everyone coming, I can’t wait to see you!

Any orders placed between the 18th and 29th will ship when I return.

In case anyone was wondering, yeah, I didn’t quite manage the shop update before Yarn School. I dyed some Fat Sock, though, and I’ll get some more stuff done and ready for sale when I return because seriously, it has been so amazingly long since I dyed sock yarn! It’s pitiful, especially since it’s my favorite.

I’ll be back. :)


March Fiber Club

Hi, everyone!

The March fiber club is shipping today and tomorrow. I fear I’ll never get back on track, month-wise. Hopefully, you all love spinning this so much, you don’t notice the lateness.

Want a little hint? (Not actual photo of the fiber.)

Want a big hint? (Actual photo of fiber.)

Even if you peek, you won’t know what the fiber is. That I will keep secret. :)

Have you looked at the Flickr group lately? There’s so much lovely spinning going on.

What in the world have I been up to?

I know, bad blogger, huh?

I’ve been designing stuff- stuff that will be published and that hopefully, people will love to knit. I’m having a great time, choosing yarns, scribbling with pencil, and knitting like a maniac, but wow, it’s cramping my style not to be able to blog about it! Hopefully, by the time I get back from Yarn School, I’ll have boatloads of knitting and spinning to blog about. I think I’ll take that Taiyo sweater yarn with me as plane knitting.

Yarn School:

Yarn School
is soon! There are still a few spots left, if you’d like to come. I already can’t wait to get out to Kansas and play with all the lovely spinners.

I’ll be getting ready for that for the next few weeks and will be gone from the 21st of April through the 29th. I’ll leave the shop open for orders, but won’t be shipping anything while I’m away, and for a couple of days before and after. Mr. HelloYarn will have his hands full keeping the dog happy and alive and entertaining his visiting parents and sister, so he won’t be working on during that time, either. If there’s a yarn emergency (heh) while I’m away, I will have internet access.

Keep your eyes peeled for your packages, club members! Happy spinning.