It Feels Like the End of an Era
The fiber club is shipping this morning and it’s going to be the last one for awhile. It’s been great fun, and I will be continuing it, but after a solid year I need a wee break. I’d have powered through if it wasn’t for our planned move, but this has been a great excuse to allow myself to rest up a bit. Expect to see the club back for sale in July for an August-October run unless something crazy happens. I’ll keep everyone posted. Everyone who was a member this time has a slot reserved for next time and I’ll give plenty of notice so you can grab your slot.
I hope you all love the fiber I’ve dyed up this time. It’s silky, puffy stuff in colors outside my comfort zone, and what do you know? I love it. There’s a big bag of scraps I can’t wait to spin up.
Want to see? Want to see? No glove hint this month as I didn’t get new gloves after last time.
Yarn School:
It was something else, as usual. I met a ton of awesome people, saw old friends, did a ton of fun stuff with all of them, and had a great time. There’s a Flickr Group with tons of photos and a Ravelry group, as well.
The goodie bag was fantastic this year. Nikol put out a call for fiber promos and people sent fantastic stuff. Students brought their wares for the bags, as well. I even got a teacher gift! So as not to leave you photo-less:
Clockwise from upper left:
-Brooch kit from Now and Zen Yarns
-Hand-pulled roving from The Fox Hop
-Orange batt from Elyce Nicole
-Hand-dyed blue Corriedale from Sweet Pea Fibers
-Crazy pink batt from Batt out of Hell
-"Sit ‘n Spin" thong (!!!), little sheep magnets and clip from Felicia (teacher gift)
– Cuticle cream and sugar scrub from Wylde Welles Soapworks
And the bags- yellow commemorates Yarn School and sheep is a gift from Felicia of Sweet Pea Fibers (teacher gift).
The students got more, including hand-dyed fiber by me and Sarah of Maisy Day Handspun.
The underwear are killing me. (Okay, that sounds bad. I’m not wearing them. They kill me with their funniness.) Since I was one of the goodie bag-packers, I got to coordinate my fibers so that I could make one big Yarn School yarn. I can’t wait!
I got a bunch of knitting done on the plane and have a new handspun project idea that’s freaking me out with happiness, so expect to see more of me around here, including Actual Shop Updates.