Finished Object: Saddle Shoulder Aran Vest

This was an absolute pleasure from start to finish. This is my first cable project in awhile, but it is most certainly not my last.


The Stats:

Yarn: 11 skeins Classic Elite Skye Tweed in color # 1272, an extremely hard-to-photograph pale greenish brown
Pattern: Modified Saddle-Shoulder Aran Cardigan from Wool Gathering #63, by Meg Swansen
Needles: size 6 US with size 4 US for garter stitch edgings
Gauge: 5.5 sts. per inch, in pattern
Size: 40″ chest, 25 inches long from shoulder to hem, zilch ease
Started: 1.12.08
Finished: 2.9.08
Who’s it for?: Mr. HelloYarn

The Yarn:

I freaking love this yarn. I wish I had 100 skeins. The coloring is gorgeous and it washes up into this nice, dense, soft, felty fabric that is both pleasing to look at and touch. Mr HelloYarn is quite a bit more sensitive to the scratchiness of wools than I am, and he’s fine with this one. I’ve heard some complaints about the lack of softness in this wool from other knitters, but we think it’s scrumptious.

The Knitting:

This pattern is for a cardigan, but was super easy to change into a vest. All I had to do was skip the sleeves (how refreshing!), put the underarm sts. on a holder, put a steek in where the arm would be, and let the yoke shaping (at the 4 points where the sleeve would be meeting the body) shape the top of the vest. The shape is perfect! Instead of the saddle coming from the top of the sleeve, I just cast the saddle stitches on, attached them to the top edge of the armhole, and worked them back and forth, attaching them to the front and back of the top vest edges as I went, just like in the pattern.

This whole vest was knit in the round with steek stitches where the front opening, arm holes, and front neck would be. I used Meg Swansen’s crocheted steek-securing instructions that are in the pattern and wonderfully illustrated by Eunny Jang on her blog. I’d never done crocheted steeks before, but they’re holding well and look very nice. I am totally sold. I love those red stripes created by the crocheting yarn! Both the yarn used in the vest and the securing yarn (Peace Fleece) are nice and woolly and grippy, lending to the success, I’m sure. I used a 7 stitch steek, which is a nice, safe number and makes a nice facing on the inside, as well. I haven’t done anything to tack the facings down on the inside and I don’t think I’ll have to.

This pattern begs for cable substitutions, but I left two out of the three used in the original. The Fishbone and its friends the Ram’s Horn, etc., are favorites of mine, and the Sheepfold is one of Elizabeth Zimmermann’s great inventions, so in they stayed. While looking for a third cable to round out the design, I stumbled on the Banjo Cable in Barbara G. Walker’s A Second Treasury of Knitting Patterns and my mind was made up for me. Mr. HelloYarn’s one true passion is playing the banjo. He approved the swatches and off I went.

To keep the vest from riding up in the back, I raised the back of the vest in the shoulder area by working short rows across the back, from steek to steek. I added about an inch and a half there, and another inch in the garter stitch bottom band, which I picked up after cutting the front steek and worked back and forth. So far, the vest hasn’t ridden up at all. After much failure in this department, this one seems to be a total success.

The garter edgings, including the bottom band, were knit on after with a needle two sizes smaller. For the bottom band, I picked up one stitch for each stitch, and then decreased by 10% on the first row. The bottom band is nicely in line with the shape of the vest. For the vertical bands, I picked up 2 for 3 sts. For the back neck, I picked up 1:1 and then decreased about twice as many stitches, slowly, over a few rows, as instructed in the pattern. This and the raising of the back of the neck a bit with short rows keeps the neck from riding low, which is something I noticed about this cardigan while looking at ones others have knit. Mr. HelloYarn likes his back necks high and snug. The decreasing and raising worked very well.

The arm edgings were mitered at the bottom corners like the neck is in the pattern, and I decreased 6 sts. across the top 25 or so sts. to keep the edging snug on the shoulder. That works like a charm, as well.

Afterthought pockets were the last thing added. Afterthought, indeed. Last Friday night I sewed in the last end, scooched forward on the couch to get up and proclaim the vest finished, and had one thought- “Pockets”. Whoops. So, I snipped a strand and pulled out enough sts. for the opening, and knit the afterthought pockets as described by Elizabeth Zimmermann in Knitting Around. Navigating the twisted stitches while pulling out the strand was a little bracing, but the pockets are great. I highly recommend the method and shaping.

What didn’t work? The buttonholes. They’re too big. Tonight they’re going to get a tightening with some single crochet around the inner edges. As it is, the buttons keep threating to come out.

Did I forget anything? I’ve had quite a week and don’t trust my brain. If you think I forgot something or you have a question, please ask away. Maybe I did cover everything. This is one gigantic post for a little vest!

See all SSAV posts for more info.
Visit the Flickr gallery for even more photos.


Something Very Bad Happened

Well, actually, a few bad things happened, all rolled into one. You may have noticed, if you tried to visit the site yesterday, that things were wonky, to say the least. That’s because 3,000 people were trying to buy 25 mitten kits. Seriously, you can’t know how warm and fuzzy that makes me feel, despite the ulcer I’ve developed since yesterday afternoon over this. :) I knew that people liked the lovely mittens, as they’ve been favorited like crazy on Ravelry, but I had no idea that all those people, their brothers, friends, fathers, and mothers wanted a kit! I thought they were all “Ooh, pretty mittens. I will favorite them.”

Because I share a server with other sites and the traffic on my site was killing their sites, as well, my website was shut down. It’s back up now, obviously, but with no change to the hosting package. So, the mitten kits are on hold. Please don’t email and ask when they’ll be available. I have a couple of hundred emails to sift through today. I’ll post here when things get rolling again.

I have some serious sorting out of orders to do, as I managed to get a few kits up, which promptly oversold while the server had a heart attack. There aren’t enough kits for everyone who ordered. My proposed solution is to re-dye the green mitten colorway, which is the one that oversold. If you ordered this colorway after it sold out, expect an email from me asking if you’d like to substitute another colorway or wait for a re-dye.

The pattern is being tested in other yarns. It will be available separately at some point in the near future. I don’t know exactly when- 2 weeks or so, perhaps. I’ll keep everyone posted.

Thanks to all of you for your support and kind emails and interest in my yarn and patterns. I love you all to bits! I’m terribly sorry about the total mayhem yesterday. I’m going to work on making sure it never happens again.


ETA: You guys, no need to apologize! I’m the one who is sorry that I can’t make kits fast enough.


You Guys Make My Day, Too.

The Saddle Shoulder Aran Vest is coming along so nicely. All the cabley bits are done, the steeks crocheted and cut, and the bottom band has been knit 1.5 times. Despite going down two needle sizes, it still flared. I’ve gone down 2 needle sizes and decreased 10% for this second attempt. It looks good, I think, but I won’t know until it’s off the needles.

I’ve been taking lots of photos of the process of this vest that haven’t been blogged here. Take a gander over at Flickr if it interests you. I took some of one of the steeks.

You Make My Day:
I know I’ve been slow with this, but thanks so much to everyone whose day I make. Same to you!

I am awful at these types of posts, so will just share a few knitting links that I love with you.

Fluffbuff. I mean, seriously. Francesca’s knitting is outstanding. I discovered her blog, I think, looking for photos of Na Craga (this particular one of hers is perfection) and bookmarked her lickety-split.

yarnbee. Cheryl’s sense of color is fantastic! Her photos are great, and doesn’t the whole blog just make you smile?

click clack– I can’t read it, but it sure makes me happy to look!

isihi’s knitting diary– Crazypants. In a good way.

And one food blog:
101 CookbooksMake the frozen yogurt. I sure do! It’s good with honey replacing the sugar, as well.

Aren’t blogs grand?

Holy Crap, Websites Are a Pain:
Apologies to all who couldn’t access the blog last night and many thanks to those who let me know. I guess the site got too big for its britches (or there wasn’t enough memory alloted for PHP). There was the usual moment of panic, followed by the urge to contact my host, followed by the realization that I could be a big girl and look it up. Fixing it took 10 seconds. Go, me.

Mitten Kits!
Still working on them. There will be three colorways available next Tuesday. Mr. HelloYarn, the yarn winder of the family, curses the day I decided to make a kit with 7 small skeins of yarn in it. :D