Yarn Cake Portraits
Did you know there’s a Flickr group for photos of yarn cakes? It’s great, too. People take some seriously amazing portraits of yarn. Brooklyntweed’s over there, putting everyone to shame.
I hardly ever remember to photograph yarn in ball form, but I spent a goodly portion of the afternoon winding little sample skeins of Hello Yarn Sock and couldn’t let them go without a picture. They’re not too shabby, considering it’s 6 pm and I’m usually a daylight photo kinda girl.
Click each photo for a gigantic computer wallpaper-size popup.
All of my wallpapers are here.
Fiber Club:
Very many thanks to everyone who signed up. I had a blast the other day, buying all the stuff to make your packages special, and I’ll be dyeing very soon. I’m very excited to surprise you!
Random Flickr Wonderfulness:
A photostream of Nick DeWolf’s photos, mainly from the late 60’s and early 70’s in Boston. I don’t even know who he was, but the photos are wonderful and the subject matter (people in my town) is fascinating.