Shop Update

The shop will be updated today at 2 pm EST. For now, you can see everything in the Flickr set, and at 2, you can visit the shop.

my hand-dyed Merino fiber (Don’t buy all this so I can justify spinning some for myself, okay?)

Sarah’s hand-dyed and handspun Merino yarn

my hand-dyed Fat Sock

Sarah’s dad made tons of new nostes and a couple of niddy noddies, Sarah sent hand-dyed Merino sock and lace weight yarns, plus lovely handspun. I made a Merino wool shawl kit, dyed up tons of heathery fibers in soft colors, and a really good selection of various sock yarns. The photos came out so well today. The spring sunshine is welcome around here, to say the least!

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Thinking About: Purl Bee’s Treeline Striped Cardigan

araucania nature wool
Araucania Nature Wool Worsted in colors 19 and 35

I used this yarn in a recent design project and loved it so much that I bought some for myself. Over the weekend, I came across Purl Bee’s Treeline Striped Cardigan pattern (pattern here). Those stripes! The stripes are so fine and mottled that they look hand-drawn. Must have, in the same colors, even, which is rare. I’ll definitely add some waist shaping, and I’m not sure about getting gauge, but that’s about it for changes. It’s lovely just as it is. Let’s not mention that half of my shirts and socks are striped, and that I might be getting a little carried away with this lately.

mushroom pulse warmers

The pulse warmers are coming along nicely but slowly. Work has nipped away at my knitting time until it’s almost become nonexistent. This must change. On Saturday and Sunday night, I planted myself on the couch and knit for hours and hours: long enough that limbs fell asleep and I had a limp when I finally did get up. Tea and cookies (love them) were consumed, and really excellent movies were watched. I’m slightly embarrassed about my love of the last one, but might as well put it out there. This is where you realize that I might be a little screwy. :P

There’s a shop update tomorrow, with handspun and hand-dyed yarn galore, plus lots of turned wood tools from Maisy Day Handspun. See you then!


Pulse Warmer Prototype

mushroom pulse warmer

mushroom pulse warmer

It’s not perfect yet. I’ve got to keep the red and black steek stitches in at least by one stitch, so they don’t peek through when the button band stitches are picked up, and the button bands need to be slightly narrower, but it’s a good start.

The buttons, stolen from the ill-fitting neck warmer part of the Highland Norsk sweater, are PERFECT on this. I fretted and fretted all through the knitting that they would be too large, but they look great.

I got the buttons at Bea Ellis Knitwear (A++ service), but they have more styles here (I’ve never shopped there). If you have, let me know. I’m sure I need more troll buttons, now that I’ve used these.

Pattern to come, so find some buttons!