Pulse Warmers
I was starting to feel like I was all talk.
This is going to be the simplest design of the bunch, since pulse warmers don’t give a lot of space for complex pictures. I started with these, since they’re a good way to swatch for the mittens and fingerless mitts that are coming. I thought I knew what gauge to expect, even though Lamullgarn is new to me, and I got a bit of a surprise with the 10 sts. per inch that I got, as opposed to my usual 9. Thankfully, these will get button bands, so any extra width needed can be added with those.
The yarn is a very sticky fingering wool not unlike Shetland, but with a gorgeous gloss that Shetland doesn’t have. It’s wonderful stuff, especially for colorwork.
A word of review, since I received the books I mentioned in that previous post: they’re okay. The last one on the page, Selbustrikk, is wonderful, with tons and tons of very traditional-looking, intricate patterns for socks, stockings, mittens, gloves, hats and scarves. The others are larger gauge takes on traditional patterns (a lot like Dale of Norway), which is good, but not what I was looking for.