PSA For Dyers
Don’t buy these roasters for dyeing!
The enameled (?) metal insert can’t withstand it. I could tell not long after I started using these for dyeing that the finish was dulled, but today saw that the insert is rusting and the finish is coming off in chunks. Not good!
I used old-fashioned enamel turkey roasters- you know the black or blue with white spots?- for years without the finish being damaged, so I don’t think all enamel should be shied away from for dyeing, just this particular product. I’m sure it’s fine for cooking food, though. Cripes, there might have even been some warning about acidic foods in the paperwork, had I read it.
They do make these with ceramic inserts. Thank goodness! ETA: BEWARE! The liner in this is enameled metal, just like the roaster above. :(