Shop Update Today

Today’s shop update day! Sarah from Maisy Day Handspun sent some fantastic handspun yarns and I dyed up a bunch of Sock, Fat Sock, and spinning fibers. 2pm EST- here.

My favorite? Maybe?

Sock in Treasure colorway

The Kromski:

Thanks for all the interest in my spinning wheel. She’s sold, and I almost got a little weepy seeing her go out the door. She’s definitely in good hands, though, and I hear she’s going to have a very cushy life in someone’s cozy bedroom. (Um, I obviously need a larger bedroom so I can spin in there.) As soon as the new Lazy Lady Wheel arrives, I’m sure the weepy will be suspended. When that will be, I don’t know. It’s been positively days since I ordered the wheel, and no tracking number! I’m desperate to obsessively track its progress as it nears my house. C’mon, wheel!

ETA: Oh, my gosh, thanks so much, everyone. I think that might be the biggest rush the shop has ever seen. The shop seems to be handling the beating you’re giving it, thank goodness. I wish there were more hours in the day for making stuff for you!

15 Responses to “Shop Update Today”

  1. Rebekkah

    Yay! I finally figured out a way to ply that I’m happy with, so may have to pick up some top, now that I know I can make it into something useable.

    Glad to hear the wheel went to a good home.

  2. Manise

    And I know who has her too! I almost got weepy passing Alice onto the next new spinner on Saturday. Enjoy your new wheel when it arrives.

  3. loopykd

    Very very quickly. I did get one of these treasure skeins but I was desperate for one of the dragon’s blood ones. Don’t know what happened but they never showed up on my screen. Happy with what I got though.

  4. liz

    I was being a dork and forgot about the update!! Grrr. Next time, I guess.

  5. Marybeth

    Wow! You are getting too popular, I used to be able to shop at a leisurely pace and not worry if I didn’t hit the update right at 2pm. Now I am spurred on to frantic refreshing and purchasing to at least get something. Sock yarn devotes are a crazed bunch :) Congrats on your success!!

  6. michelle

    If I didn’t spin my bedroom no spinning would get done – plus it keeps the wheel away from the kids.

    Darn it I totally forgot about the update. Do you still send emails? – I don’t think I have gotten one in a while.

  7. staceyjoy

    Loopykd, I am so sorry! But I snagged the Dragons Blood! I am quick on the draw, and I apologize!

  8. tifanie

    Loving my fiber club membership. So sorry I missed that wheel! I tagged you for an eight things meme. I know these memes keep coming around! The rules are on my blog, if you wish to play. Blessings! :)

  9. staceyjoy

    There was only one, Loopykd. I’m not sure what I’m going to use it for, but I couldn’t resist those colors.

  10. JulieFrick

    Ooh. Checked out your Flickr photos and I must say…those color names really float my boat for some reason. Ha! Congrats on the quick sell!

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