
Eeee! Are you getting excited for Rhinebeck? I certainly am. David and I will be there the whole weekend, with the usual cast of characters. See you there? You’ll probably see me pretending to resist as Amy drags me into the fleece barn. You might recognize me by the old sweaters I’ll be wearing, since I didn’t manage a new Rhinebeck Sweater this year. 2 out of 3 ain’t bad, right?

Actual Knitting:

Chevalier Mitten

Pattern: Chevalier Mittens (Ravelry link) by Mari Miunonen of MadeByMyself. It’s free!
Yarn: Rowan Cork in Vapor

The Cork is producing a very firm fabric, which is perfect for mittens. They’re scrumptious! They’d be done if I hadn’t made two right mittens. You’d think I’d know better.

Hello Yarn Business:

As for shop updates and Fiddlehead kits- ugh. It turned out there was a lot of electrical work, in addition to plumbing, that needed to get done so that my dye studio was functional. It’s being finished up today, finally. We moved from an area with tradespeople galore to an area with very few. It’s been an exercise in patience getting all this work done. Thanks for your patience, as well!

If you blinked, you missed the fiber club subscription sale. I didn’t even get a chance to blog about it. The slots were gone as soon as I put them up. I will be adding a self-sign-up waiting list for the club slots to the website at some point soon. I think a waiting list will be a lot less stressful for everyone than the mad dashes that happen every time. I’m not taking names right now. I’ll put the sign-up form up and post about it here when it happens.

See you at the Ravelry party at Rhinebeck!

18 Responses to “Misc.”

  1. Mandy

    One of these years I’m going to make it to Rhinebeck…my husband’s cousin lives, like, RIGHT THERE! Maybe next year. Have fun!!

  2. LittleWit

    I can’t wait until your shop is up and running again. :) I hope the rest of getting your studio together goes smoothly.

  3. hadley

    Beauticious! Fall is the perfect time to knit something as practical as mittens in anticipation of winter. These will come in handy in your new home by the ocean.

    And the two right mitten thing: I’ve got you beat. I once knit two left fronts to a cardigan!

  4. stacey

    The mitts are positively scrumptious and the cork makes a lovely fabric – why did they discontinue that?!:) I am glad to hear about the possibility of a wait list – I have renewed hope:)

  5. whitney

    I absolutely love those Cork mittens! I still have a couple of skeins leftover from my “bought on closeout” batch of Cork, which just might have to become a pair of mittens now that I’ve seen yours.

    Have fun at Rhinebeck!

  6. John

    Can’t wait for Rhinebeck this weekend, and hopefully we’ll finally meet! Beware that David, especially if he is drinking hard cider ;)

  7. Rocky Moreno

    Gosh, I check your blog daily to find out about the Fiber club. Only thing I kept seeing was that it was available to only past members, I didn’t even think that I should check the shop to see if there was an item open to buy. Is it still only for past members? I guess I didn’t understand.
    Can you put me on the waiting list? How about the Fiddlehead mittens, will that be a sneak up too?

  8. Gretchen

    Are you perhaps starting to keep a list of those who would like mitten kits?

  9. merete

    these are lovely. the cables really pop, don’t they. that is so interesting.

    nice with some warm mittens. i need to try it out some day, as i think mittens is THE thing i never knitted in my very long knitting career.

    your mittens are inspirational. especially the self designed.

  10. Danielle

    Oh, please add a waiting list! I’ve never been able to make it through the scrum to sign up.

  11. Dorothy

    Hi…I’m a long time admirer of your work, and have been checking often for fiddlehead mitten kits. Do you think you’ll have some before xmas? No pressure….I’m just wondering. Thanks.
    Dorothy (Zuly on Ravelry)

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