Finished Object: Wham Bam Thank You Lamb!

Over the holidays I knit a ton of small projects, including cowls, neck warmers, and several pairs of Toast mitts, all of which I’ll blog about. This neck warmer is the most functional of the bunch, and my new favorite.

Pattern: Wham Bam Thank You Lamb! by Insaknitty
Yarn: Malabrigo Merino Worsted in Polar Morn, held double
Needle: 10.5 US
How Long to Knit: 4 out of the 7 episodes of Deadwood we watched on New Year’s Day. We watched the last 7 episodes with a Boston friend who was out visiting and who’d watched the whole series with us on DVD over the last year. I saw the series when it was on HBO, and thankfully managed to hold myself together for the ending this time. Last time, I burst into uncontrollable sobbing at the closing credits. Is The Wire going to do that to me, as well? I’m a little scared and we’re only on season 3. I might love Omar a little too much. (Don’t spoil me!)


I cast on 35 sts. instead of 25 and knit until the yarn ran out.

I did a provisional cast on and when I got to almost the end of the yarn, cast off 20 or so sts., grafted the rest together, then cast off the remaining sts. No pesky seam. :) Don’t forget to have the last row of stitches on the top needle be knits and the bottom row (last knit) have purls up against the needle when you graft in garter.

I’m a Malabrigo convert. This is so soft I forget I have it on. It looks awesome with my new coat, as well. :)

Fiber Club!
It’s been shipped. This is a newish fiber, which I don’t sell in the shop, but will right away. It’s great stuff!

Take a peek?

It’s good to be the dyer (spoiler). The fiber club has gotten so big that my formerly little bag of fiber tails has grown to a 2 lb. 10 oz. bag of tails this time. I was planning on making Mr. HelloYarn a vest (he’s been alternating his two knitted vests every other day, the poor sausage), but cripes, I can make a vest and a sweater from this haul! Maybe matching Adrian, Mark, and Pippa sweaters?

28 Responses to “Finished Object: Wham Bam Thank You Lamb!”

  1. zoe

    yes, I sobbed all through the Wire, but it’s worth it!!!

  2. verabee

    Oh, you are going to cry like a chump at the end of the Wire. But it’s also sooooo satisfying an ending. Especially compared to the Sopranos. :P

    I peeked at fiberclub! Eek, that looks awesome.

  3. kate

    for some reason i have yet to knit a cowl, but this one really appeals to me. your blue version is quite pretty! i love your slight mods, too.

  4. Samantha

    OMG I watched Seasons 4 & 5 over vacation and your jaw will drop. Of all the seasons, #4 is my favorite, but the end definitely won’t disappoint.

  5. mai

    oh fun and squishy cowl! i hate grafting and seaming in garter stitch, though. i can never get the hang of it!

  6. Shaina

    Okay, so wait, you weren’t a Malabrigo user before? I can’t even imagine such a thing. Was your life cold and empty?

  7. Inky

    YES you will totally cry. I had someone tell me that season two and three of Deadwood were such a downer they almost wished they would have stopped watching. I am in the middle of season one I hope that she was wrong.

  8. AnaMarie

    The last season of the Wire is more of a letdown – not quite as good as the others, but I still cried at the end. They have an amazing last episode.

  9. NJstacie

    Yes please to matching sweaters all around! Also, stellar cowl!

  10. Jennifer

    Hmm. Now I can’t remember the end of the wire. I loved Omar. We’re watching Deadwood now and really enjoying it! The cowl is lovely!

  11. Alicia

    Mmmmm Malabrigo.
    Thanks, now I’m going to have to look that up for my Netflicks. I’m always looking to add to my queue!

  12. elizabeth

    The Wire is fab, you won’t be sorry if you get attached to the characters! I actually felt like I learned something from watching it, which is always nice. :o)

  13. merete

    you will look darling in matching vests or sweaters!!!!

    the cowl is very very nice. i have some malabrigo somewhere. maybe i should knit one. and the name is maybe the best.

  14. Kai

    The cowl is gorgeous! I need to get myself some of that there Malabrigo… :)

    I’m not peeking… I’m going to be good and wait until my fibre gets here in below freezing Germany.. and I think matching sweaters for you guys is a fab idea!

    Happy New Year as well… x x

  15. Emily

    Oh yes, “The Wire.” My husband stopped watching after season 1 because it made him sad. I made it all the way.. though cried a lot. When you’re done with that, I recommend “The Boys of Baraka,” a PBS documentary about Baltimore boys going to a boarding school in Kenya.

  16. Andrea

    Love the asymetrical cowl. Changes the look completely. And of course,the Malabrigo doesn’t hurt either…

  17. Amanda Cathleen

    looks so snuggly warm! I must make one for myself. I knit so much for other people in December its time for me to be selfish right? (even if I still have gifts to finish..) Matching sweaters would be fantastic.

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